October 05, 2012

February 2012: B Division Season

Presenting the Henderson Girls' Football B Division Team of 2012:  

Our first cohort of girls in the team are now Secondary Three. Thus, this is the first time Henderson is taking part in the B Division tournament.
Heartfelt gratitude to Azirah (from NCDCC) and Huisien (from NPCC) for playing for the team too!

Henderson 0 vs Cedar Girls' 2

Henderson 0 vs Hong Kah 2

Henderson 0 vs VJC 1

Henderson 0 vs Fuchun 1

The team's performance improved as the matches go by. There were briliant plays down the flanks. However, shots were weak. Our attacking play and concentration level must improve.

On a lighter note, more pictures capturing the team's journey...

Our supporters :)

Legs worn out, but smiles around... That's the satisfaction one gets for giving your BEST.

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