October 12, 2011

Training Session: Day 1

A new training season has started and the team will be working hard for both the B Division tournament in March and C Division tournament in July.

The girls have learnt from this year's tournament that they do have much room for improvement in terms of physical fitness & skills. Thus, we would be spending more time to improve these aspects.

Day 1 of training started off with the Beep Test. It was a good gauge of the girls' fitness and hopefully a motivation for them to see the need to improve their fitness.
The Beep Test ratings can be found at our notice board. Do go check where you stand.
One month from now, we will conduct another Beep Test and hopefully more of you can hit stage 4!

Strengthening exercises were next and we did a range of exercises to strengthen our arm, leg and core muscles:
- arm: push-ups
- leg: 2 legs skipping & single leg skipping, "toilet bowl" for 30 sec & 1 min
- core: crunches, bridge

Finally, we ended with some fun in the form of... Xbox Kinect!
The girls moved and jumped (and laughed) a lot and it was definitely a good workout for the whole body! Sorry for the blurred pictures, the girls were too fast for the camera!

As what I have told the team before, it is quite useless to have skills but no stamina. We can't run away from more fitness BUT we can choose to change our mentality. Instead of facing it with negativity, why not enjoy it as a team & motivating one another, knowing that these exercises will make us better players on the field! As what you girls always say... "No Pain No Gain"!

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