September 23, 2011

Our last training before the exam break...

Here's Ms Chandran's first post on what the football team did during the last training on 23 Sept:

#1: Ringleader Game:
The sun was brillant for practice today and we started with warm ups before the ringleader game. We sooo have to work on our booooooody block and not use our feet but the ringleaders kept cheating and tried to squeeze the balls in between in stead!ahhhh ahahah its ok cos when Erin left to get one back( as you always would do in a REAL game) Yan Theng, Ran Mae and all dove in to steal one! ahhaha sneaky but smart!!!

#2: Shooting Drill:
Shooting practice was a little craaaazy but fun! Coach kept telling Bilah not to use her toes (its ball on the LACES woman!!!!!!). With misdirected shoes like Ms Yu's you'de expect her balls to slant all to one side instead but she KEPT scoring aaaaaaaahhhhh we must beat the pros!ahahha! Nissa just kept stopping halfway oh2 20pushups for her soon if KC catches her not shooting all the way! Ren Mae rocked and kept going higher but then low again and so did Nic!

We soooo need to upload the "lean back" song cos it matches with the shooting just NOT too far or ul shoot it waaaay too high! Yes Erin I know you only did it once!

Glad Kirsten managed to play in the game at the end but she needs to drink more water and rest properly after seeing the doctor when sick please!

Lynn promised to work on and beat her own speed next round so Im waiting to see

Tikah soooooooooo trashed the 10 standard pushups with no problem at all woooohooooo!!!!!!!

GOOOOOOOD JOB guys I had a greeeeeeat day did you????? Soccer girls rock! Soccer girls rock! rocK ROck ROCK! Photos coming after exams. STUDY ooooon!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))

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