November 15, 2010

A Match to Remember

This picture marks the end of the tournament in 2010. This is our happiest match because we won! The match with Fuchun ended 1-0, with Radeen scoring home! Look at our delighted faces !
We have learnt from the tournament that it takes a lot of teamwork and commitment for a team to do well. We are also glad that, despite the losses we suffered, we gained much in experience, confidence and we are glad to say that we have made vast improvements throughout the tournament.
Well, thus the saying goes "Every defeat is a victory in itself" (quoted by our dear captain Chan :P)
We would like to thank our Sec 3 seniors, Ain and Harvinder, for their guidance and encouragement during the trainings even though they could not play in the C Div tournament. You have been an inspiration to us!
We would also like to thank Yan Zhen and Germaine for helping out by playing for us during the tournament. :D
2011... till then!

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