June 03, 2011

Our 1st 2D1N Training Camp

A big THANKS to Mdm Liu, Ms Leong and coaches for their assistance & not forgetting the girls themselves for their enthusiastic spirit during the camp!

It was our first ever training camp in preparation for the C Division Tournament in July. The girls had their training sessions in the mornings for both days. Besides trainings, there was also time for fun and bonding.


Day 1 afternoon: Team-building challenge, and a tiring one indeed

Day 1 night: Dedication Nite where seniors & juniors presented a dance item to one another.

It was heartwarming to see the amount of effort they put in to prepare for the item, especially when many of the juniors do not really like to dance. Well, for the seniors, i found out that they love dancing! Videos will be uploaded soon!

The dance items were then followed by a birthday celebration for all birthday babes from Jan to June.

Day 2 afternoon: Movie Viewing "Forever the Moment"

I am thankful that the camp brought the seniors and juniors closer together and I believe this newfound bond will bring them through the challenges of the upcoming tournament & whatever difficulties that lie ahead.

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